Adult Games for: Mobile Game

The Way [Ongoing] - Version: 0.37 Bugfix 2 0.37 Bugfix 2 (Ongoing) by Zee95

The game begins when the main character turns 18 years old. MC's parents died in a car accident when he was 8 years old. MC spends two years on the street. In the family where MS lives, there[…]

My Pirate Husbandos [Ongoing] - Version: Build 17 Build 17 (Ongoing) by Nonohomo Circle

After almost drowning at sea, you find yourself a stranger among the beautiful pirate crew that saved you. They swim during the day, do lewd things at night, and you cannot stop thinking about[…]

Yorna: Monster Girl’s Secret [Finished] - Version: Final Final (Finished) by Yeehaw-Games

In Yorna: Monster Girl's Secret, a young mage from a noble family comes to a distant castle to find it destroyed and her sister missing. Can she bring back the lost monster girls and restore[…]

Sarada Rising [Ongoing] - Version: 1.13 1.13 (Ongoing) by Arte Eroge

You are a boy who makes a living by winning Naruto games when he leaves the house to go shopping. he dies and is transported to Naruto's world 8 years after the events that happened[…]

Wifey’s Dilemma [Abandoned] - Version: 0.13 0.13 (Abandoned) by 3Diddly

The main character of Wifey's Dilemma is you! You become friends with an Asian girl in her early 20s who has been studying in the US since high school but was unable to obtain a green card.[…]

It’s a New World Out There [Ongoing] - Version: 0.33 0.33 (Ongoing) by Flamecito

When the zombie outbreak began, no one took it seriously. Including you. Until an outbreak occurs in a city near yours. When you were a teenager with no parents, your older sister Mary led you to[…]

Sage’s Cravings [Ongoing] - Version: 0.21 0.21 (Ongoing) by SpicySauceGames2

Play as Yoru and eliminate malfunctioning bots to make Icebox Kitchen, a safe space to cook ramen in and satisfy Sage’s Cravings​