Ikusabe Takamaru is a student at the Ten Treasure Academy, living an ordinary school life, seeking romances which are constantly interfered by Shihoudou Narika (the daughter of his apartment[…]
This is a 1v1 fighting game. To win, you need to bring your opponent to orgasm before your character. You get to play with six different girls, each with their own special moves and sex scenes. To[…]
Meteor Impacts" is under development.
We strive to create a game that combines both side-scrolling action and team-select adventure with gameplay and erotica.
The direction of erotica is[…]
In Yorna: Monster Girl's Secret, a young mage from a noble family comes to a distant castle to find it destroyed and her sister missing. Can she bring back the lost monster girls and restore[…]
You are a boy who makes a living by winning Naruto games when he leaves the house to go shopping.
he dies and is transported to Naruto's world 8 years after the events that happened[…]
Noxian Nights is a porn parody of the popular game LoL, and follows Riven as she tries to avenge her fallen comrades and find a new purpose. The game will focus on this idea, but will hopefully[…]
Ema gave up her former adventurous life to start a family. However, her calm life was overshadowed by ominous clouds. When the city of Vayra was engulfed in a monster uprising, Ema took up her[…]
Paralogue is a series of limited-time game builds that serve as a full-scale update to Fallen Doll and a concept prototype for a Fallen Doll sequel.
As a frontier research and military base[…]