Ikusabe Takamaru is a student at the Ten Treasure Academy, living an ordinary school life, seeking romances which are constantly interfered by Shihoudou Narika (the daughter of his apartment[…]
You, as a young man, arrive in the small and peaceful town of Moondale, where strange things began happening recently. The private school for boys, from which you where expelled, left a mark on[…]
This story is about a married couple, Lida and Dmitry. Having been happily married for 5 years, Dima was lucky to get a promotion in a new place. Of course, the new job required reasonable changes[…]
You find yourself in the office of the school therapist (who I think is a hot mom) after being abandoned and humiliated; Celia, who is also a teacher at your school. Suggesting a teacher is[…]
Bandits Assault is an RPG. You play as Rachel, a female bandit living in a camp with other bandits. This happens right before a big attack that will change your life forever.
As a bandit, you are[…]
You take on the role of a rich kid who has been given everything his whole life, making him a rather lazy little jerk. Now he works for his father's company and doesn't have much fun.[…]
I'm 3Diddly and I create 3D comics and visual novels! I try to strive for realism in the characters in my story. This way, the story will become more real and less forced, like many other[…]
You are a young man living in a peaceful town with your mother and older sister. Your father almost never stays at home because he is busy earning money to provide happiness for his family and[…]
Paths is an erotic text adventure created in Twine 2, set in a fictional version of a mythological Earth; in particular, an area very reminiscent of ancient Greece. You play as Alexis, a young man[…]
A trainer-like, mostly animated game that focuses on submission, humiliation, and control/denial of female orgasm.
Also included are outdated memes and a love story. :LUL:
Read the tags[…]