Ikusabe Takamaru is a student at the Ten Treasure Academy, living an ordinary school life, seeking romances which are constantly interfered by Shihoudou Narika (the daughter of his apartment[…]
Welcome to our first game set in Horton Bay!
Our main character, Jake (or nickname of your choice) Rogers, is nearing the end of his senior year and is ready to head off to the local university[…]
The plot of the game tells us about the life of the Robertson family, in which passion, lies and misunderstanding are intertwined.
The main character of the game, a college student, young and[…]
Yuki and Ayame's second journey in their twisted family! A few weeks after Vitamin Plus, Yuki and Ayame are taken back to the Seiichi farm by their own mother, Reiko. This time they will not[…]
You are a boy who makes a living by winning Naruto games when he leaves the house to go shopping.
he dies and is transported to Naruto's world 8 years after the events that happened[…]
This story is about a married couple, Lida and Dmitry. Having been happily married for 5 years, Dima was lucky to get a promotion in a new place. Of course, the new job required reasonable changes[…]
A farming game that combines erotica and business management in a fantasy world where you live a life filled with sex.
Make a fortune, develop your home and enjoy the sweet life at night.
You take on the role of a rich kid who has been given everything his whole life, making him a rather lazy little jerk. Now he works for his father's company and doesn't have much fun.[…]