Game Informations

In the far future, the world has been invaded by unknowable entities known simply as the I.C.O. Civilization has almost left the surface and is now hiding in structures known as Craters. While both are in a furious dormancy, the Craters have created one weapon to fight the I.C.O.

threat: Ferals. Judah Bishop is a young sea otter who has just joined the Feral military and is now immersed in a whole new world of combat, strategy and danger. He must work with his squadron against any threat that comes his way or he will fall into the hands of the I.C.O.I.C.O. heavily inspired by anime such as Neon Genesis Evangelion, Attack on Titan, and Gurren Lagan, which heavily influenced the design and the story being told.

However, I hope that the I.C.O. able to create his own personality and hopefully become something fresh and new in the furry VN genre.